You will always be happy if you live with heart.

Sippin’ on tea, talking living anxiously.

Your soul has grown restless, and because of this your mind has begun to grow anxious—none of which makes your spirit feel too cozy and free.

You are a spirit-being above all else. As far as Loveology 101 the basics are concerned your spirit is your divine anchor in both life and existence—amongst the living and amongst the dead. [We’ll have to revisit this latter someday  soon ^_^]

To some degree, we are able to tap into the soul and possibly how it has derived by overstanding that it is indeed a birthed level of a being, a maxim of consciousness. Think about soul like the sum of supernatural equations and divine calculations all tuned into one frequency, one pattern, one mission—Yours, your life’s.

Your mind is a very important, yet secondary component of the soul. Your brain, the tertiary facet of the soul—is a computer with the potential to be massive in its compacity, and was created to process information and input and output data for your mind’s divus manipulation. Your mind is your knowledge base and memory storage which aids your soul during its quest for refinement and enlightenment, and its acquisition of all of your spirit’s desires.

But your heart—your heart and your spirit, like brain and soul, are to function coherently. Your spirit, is your breath of life, your heartbeat. While your soul can be thought of as the what you live for, the when, the where, and the how you live, your spirit is equal to the why you live.

Your spirit desires to be at peace or in perfect harmony at all times and with all that exists around you—be that, chaos or balance. See Love, your heart forever beats to the rhythm of your spirits vibrations, and your vibrations transmute into either your desires or the abominations that your lower vibes have conjured. So, please do make magic my Loves!


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