He who wants a rose must respect the thorn. —Persian Proverb

Egypt plucks with no tea in Her cup to sip.

It is pure naiveté or neglect of truth that would lead one to believe living a good life is to live a life without unfortunate events, Without dark clouds and rainfall how can you truly say you love the sunshine. And without blinding sand storms how might another take delight in the majestic vastness of a seemingly endless sea of golden crystals.

Life is always good. No matter how many wrong turns you make along your journey, life is always good, because your life is an exact product of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years of you inputting an infinitely colorful array of numerical functions, vibrations, frequencies, and energies into the Universe which is your Provider—and in return, you are granted your LIFE, your here and your now!

You reap what you sew. Thus, your harvest is always good, even if you find you do not quite care for all that you’ve cultivated—conjured.

To desire life is to simultaneously appreciate the messes you have made. To love life is to learn from the lessons your past and present actions have taught you. To love life is to welcome all obstacles and challenges which come to strengthen you, to teach you, to build you, and to mold you.


I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! — *mood:good*


—♥ Egypt E.