Yes, this post is about snow water. Why? Well, because it is an integral part of my family herstory. 

See, my mother used snow water to heal us in many ways. Her mother used snow water to heal her and her siblings. My mother’s mother’s mother, and so on and on used Saponi snow water to heal our tribe.

I will not belabor your eyes and minds with the countless spiritual and physical benefits of snow water, as a quick web search can say more than I have time to say here. Nevertheless, from healing wounds, pink eye, and digestive issues; brightening, tightening, and cleansing skin to assisting you with connecting to the divine realm, snow water provides a plethora of rewards. You can even make some delicious snow cream! 

Like rain, snow falls from a place we cannot readily reach out and touch. Sure, the clouds come down to meet us, and we become engulfed in their fog now and then, but we cannot hold a cloud. Clouds are beyond us in a way I have no time to begin to fathom an explanation to assert.

Snow in and of its very nature is divine, sanctified. It is the accumulation of raptured water and earth that freezes in those ungraspable clouds, those seemingly weightless cumuli, and falls when the Great Mother commands.

So, I trust that there is magic, heka, and definitive healing when one welcomes snow water into her life. After all, I was born of mothers who lived by its spiritual and physical healing capacities.

How to Gather Snow Water

Now, not just any collection of snow water will suffice. It must be from at least the second snow of the season, and fresh is arguably best. You do not want it contaminated by human and animal traffic or trash, debris, and pollutants. Thus, if you live in a highly polluted area, be cautious about where and when you collect your snow.

How do you collect it? Well, my mothers and aunties sought snow that fell on “clean” or natural, uncontaminated surfaces. They skim off the first layer. Then we collect only the layer between the source’s surface and the top layer in a clean glass jar or container (ideally) and store it in the same. It is a straight to point process.

You can add fresh herbs, flowers, or oils to your water to enhance its healing powers. However, do not leave the fresh herb in the water for too long, as the herb may mold or shed and taint the mixture. 

You add snow water to lotions and creams or your makeup and skincare routines. Some people even cook and bake with it.

So, yes, this post was about snow water. I pray you always found a glimmer of light in the flowing of my thoughts and intentions. If you collect snow water, how do you use it?
