Dear Young Us, I know love to be both a villain and a hero. It cuts deep into your being in an effort to rip from your inside parts all that is most vulnerable. All of your fortress walls and guards are shattered and destroyed. Your ego—slowly, but surely slain and laid to rest only to be reborn again akin to an infant free of knowing only certain of being. In truth, there is no greater friend or adversary than love. The latter is the greatest revelation I can share from the past 35 lovetrips around the sun. I am
Alarm clocks blaring—our sightless hands search the nightstand and windowsill trying to dismiss the inevitable arrival of morning. Still despite our success of stopping the noises, sunlight casually makes its way through our blinds, lighting our four walls. We drag ourselves from our disheveled bed like zombies most days, only to be fully awoken by the beads of water that commit suicide dawn after dawn against our tired and fragile bodies. By the time we’ve secured the doors to our home, our late rising has caught up to us. Yet, we proceed with our day, in hopes that something exhilarating will happen. Something new will set fire to our souls and give us good reason
The seals have been broken, the trumpets have sounded, and still the great masses of the human familia choose to disregard the gravity of the times. War rages on all battle fronts—we see warfare in our lives. We see warfare in our leaders. We see warfare in finances, education, health, food, religions, employments, movements, news, entertainments . . . in our music, our sciences, our leisures. We see warfare in our streets, on our roads, our trails, along our pipelines, in our waterlines, in our skies, along our airways, across our oceans blue, green or yuck-and-brown. We see warfare in
Is she? Bipolar? Me? Bipolar…oh no…I think I might be…manic though But she’s off-kilter. Her got PTSD in our bloodstream like mRNA in these Sweet tooth babies’ formula. I think I’m going to cross a line. There is chalk dust everywhere. Yellow tape yellow tape The hood is lit as fxck. Gunshots, gunshots sky high lighting up the ethers like fireworks over the harbor at the colonial’s fourth of July. Bitchhhhhh— there are Rats in the garbage cans, big ol rats in the trap. Cats on awnings vying for a fight anytime a night. You trying to scrap? Or naw…I
Have you prepared yourself to die Egypt? that is what the lot of you asked me. I said “No”—unknown to I Eye had no sayin such a matter, but I stare now from this catalyst of crashing comets, retrograding bodies and ever-dying stars, laughing—with mighty thunders from my deepest of caverns ‘fore I say to Elohim of many nomen and degrees —“Death came easy to my yesterself;it has been my resurrection that brought me a coldand breathless hell.”
We live in a house with creaking floorboards. We lose ourselves between the cracks and crevices. Most days, we float about these halls and thresholds as currents caught in the unforgiving cyclones of spawning fish—our voices broken, weakened, and yet, loud— never making it upstream— only becoming forever trapped, assaulted in, about, and by the falls cascading from lofty ledges like waves stampeding to their deaths.
Imagine for a moment that you are a spirit being human tasked with a soul journey of consistently freeing and expanding your mind and strengthing and refining your body to manifest expansion. Now, give yourself the grace of knowing you have your lifetime to accomplish the latter but that time goes by in the blink of an eye, and every woman or man’s blinking is measured on a different scale and kept by a different clock. Learn and Grow to Manifest Expansion You have a duty, only to yourself, to grow and expand by mastering your nature and elevating your