Dear Loves,

It almost feels unreal the fact that this space from which you read these words made its debut 11 and something years ago. Needless to say, it has been one helluva journey from my first overly confident rough drafts through all the promising pens, plot twists, and meandering streams of consciousness to arrive finally and justly here.

Some of you have been present for every turning page. Others, much like myself stumbling my way through a 300-page novel, have sat for a read or two returning every now and then to pick up where you left off—some days losing your place entirely or simply never really grasping the entirety of the story. Regardless of where on the spectrum of readership you are or have been, you honor me with your hearts and eyes as you read my thoughts today and so on.

Time Keeps on Slipping…

Over these last 5-plus years, I have had so much time to sit, sulk, stand, smile, surmise, and even surprise myself at times with my reflections on this lifetime thus far. Those times now mere remnants of a distant yet near past life. Some days, I find myself falling victim to the anxiousness that often belabors the present with anticipation of the future. The one truth that I can never shake when I have found myself to be spiraling into the darkness of depression is: time will keep on slipping into the future no matter how hard you try to stand in its path. Thus, if time moves forward always no matter if I stand still or I move forward, then I should always choose to move forward always.

No Peace in the Past

There is no peace for the heart who dwells on past. The past has already been and will be no more. So, to spend too much of your valuable time dwelling on what you did, did not do, say, gave, received, accomplished, or failed to without a true plan of forward action from all of the hindsight and revelations is asinine or foolish.

All that we can do in the present is lend our deeds and works of today toward our inevitable future. We do the latter knowing that if we sew good deeds and works, we will undoubtedly reap good in both this life and the hereafter.

Just Do Good

Do good to do good!

   —Next door neighbor, Tim

So, as I pick my pen back up to correspond and commune with you once again, I invite you to leave something good, inspiring, or encouraging or share your truth in the comments below or on my latest social media post.

As always, I love you. Maiiandostéka

<3 Egypt