Call me crazy, but my day was amazing. . .Selah.
I have never in my life been so, so something. After work today I left the office, and I did the usual: wait on my brother and his partner to finish up work in the woods. So I sat up against a wood fence and took in the scenery. It was magnificent, divine. As I’m writing this know that I’m beyond overwhelmed with emotion at this point… Still standing here, barefoot, stuck, and trying to make sense of all that just happened to me, trying to relay to you all that God just gave me.
Yes, I paused just to give the picture of my current stance. Yea I know awkward right.
My brother just arrived, so now I must part from the middle of this field of memories . . . now back to this moment with God.
So, while sitting against the fence I started taking pictures of my views and of myself. Then I began posting them to my Instagram, but I figured I should take so many more and post them on my blog, so everyone I know could have the opportunity, the privilege, to see what I was seeing. I left the fence—my comfort zone at that moment. I began taking pictures (total, 40 +), all the while trying to figure out what to write about. What could I say to match the images.
And after taking pictures of the barn, I tried to get a picture of these two bees fighting, but they flew away
before I had time to hit the shutter button on my phone… more on that later. Then I heard something. It was that voice in my head–that little voice of God, or my higher conscious we could say. I guess I had never been in such a serene place in my mind while physically being awake, because I don’t recall ever hearing that voice before. So distinct. “Close your eyes” it whispered. “I’ll show you everything.”
Okay, I’m not pulling your leg or anything, and I’m not going to lie although I wasn’t scared, I was nervous as heck. My mere human mind was nervous, weary that I was going to look stupid standing, barefoot, out in a field, at work— with my eyes closed. But the voice was greater— greater than anything or anyone I had ever heard before. I couldn’t ignore it. How can you ignore the sound of God when he is speaking directly to your soul?
Exactly. You can’t. I couldn’t.
So I closed my eyes, expecting to see something grand, but I saw nothing. The more I searched behind my eyelids . . . still I saw nothing.
And then came a breeze . . . (I’m so not lying to you right now, just stay with me). I suppose I really wouldn’t have a reason to, given I had no intent of ever posting this particular blog. So yea, this breeze came rushing past my face and through my dreads (they felt soooo long for like 5 seconds (-_-) don’t judge me). Then a gust of wind— and that’s when I heard everything. First there were the birds: a woodpecker in the distance, swallows, amongst others. Behind my eyelids I saw a hawk soaring above the barn, I saw the bees buzzing by, and I could feel the sun freeing itself from the clouds.I heard the sound of wind coming through the cracks of the barn—I heard the grass moving, the blades scraping across each other like the a million violins crashing a wind symphony. I could hear, I could see, and I could feel life. And then just like Peter walking on the water toward Jesus, I got distracted, not by crashing waves, but the sound of the wind ravishing the big oak’s limbs and pounding it’s giant trunk.
I opened my eyes. For a second sound ceased. I looked up, still in awe, and in the sky soaring toward the barn I saw the hawk, and I saw a swallow fly to a tree top calling for another or maybe she was praising The Most High—I cannot say.
Then I saw the bees, again. They began fighting again—but just as soon as the fight resumed, it was over, and one fell from the fight—fell to the earth. Amongst the blades of grass he lay. The victor hovered, circling the still one—waiting for him to rise again, as if taunting him. As if he was the great Muhammad Ali fighting Sonny Liston, yelling ‘Get up sucker and fight. Get up and fight.’ I had never see anything of the sort.
But little Liston Bee didn’t get up, and after a minute of waiting Ali Bee left the lifeless one. Flew off into glory, and I stood drawn to tears.
I have no meaning for you, no type of explanation what-so-ever. Yet, today has taught me that some mysteries are simply worth the witnessing alone. Some things just are, because they are– and I may never understand the birds and the bees, but that’s fine with me. Because I do know the Great Architect of the Universe sees, hears, and understands all. And that alone my friend gives me peace. Nothing more, nothing less.
Peace and Love, Namaste
Egypt E.
Wonderful post :))))))
Thank you so very much love!!! Namaste!
♥Egypt E.