August 7, 2013
Dearest Reader,

Imagine the perfect utopia—a place full of beauty and bliss, heavenly bliss. A place where you are completely at peace with everything life has to offer or doesn’t. Even when all the worlds around you are falling to pieces, your world is still perfect! ♥
Well my loves that is exactly what my world, our world—Mr. May & I’s world is like. It is perfect! We live for it, we dream about it, write about it—it’s our, we created it. And no matter where we are on this green-blue earth, as long as we together we are in our world. When we are apart you’d best believe we are plotting our great escape back to our wonderful world ♥.
Now, if you are confused, that is ok. If you are completely in disbelief, that is alright as well. And if you think we’ve lost it and are completely crazy, well go right ahead thinking so—but you can bet your bottom dollar we are crazy and happy at the same damn time!!! ♥
With Peace & Lots of Love, all the way from Malem,