The seals have been broken, the trumpets have sounded, and still the great masses of the human familia choose to disregard the gravity of the times. War rages on all battle fronts—we see warfare in our lives. We see warfare in our leaders. We see warfare in finances, education, health, food, religions, employments, movements, news, entertainments . . . in our music, our sciences, our leisures.
We see warfare in our streets, on our roads, our trails, along our pipelines, in our waterlines, in our skies, along our airways, across our oceans blue, green or yuck-and-brown.
We see warfare in our courts, be they administrational or supreme. We see war in our beds. War in our homes.
And as if war has not lay siege on all that is in its Earth reach—we see warfare in our heavens, dark skies, mad winds—and those rushing, charging and plummeting waves.
Our nation has forgotten itself, and our close kin run rampant with delusions. Thus, our Great Mother of Nature brews with fiery. The Universe conspires with the angers of Old Father’s time. The Elohim of every nomen have fallen from the celestial sphere with armies of angelic beings once more—descending only to raise again this Hell to Heaven, while sly men with hardened hearts and lowly might have marked our young with death by public execution and mass extermination—a karmic debt one shall accept—all for the holy treasons of our lawless fathers and mothers.
—the blackened man’s karma