
Her Lawless Kingdom

These walls tremble with silence. They know nothing of this fear. …that fear you get deep in your gut, in the forsaken cavities of the dark part of your heart…that shaky feeling, that familiar voice which whispers “It’s you,       it’s you ripping these walls apart—you pulling down the shingles from the rooftop of our beloved home.” The first lesson to learn about love is that there is no such thing as a final lesson to learn about love, there are only more lessons to be learned about love. …and that I will love You throughout all those lessons!


To Hell and back, with Love

For a moment, I thought it best to shatter that green glass slipper—instead, I tucked it away, beneath my lonely bed. And at night, I’d dream of the lifetimes we spent dancing beneath the burning hearts of our ancients, but I could no longer feel the heat your breath upon the back of my neck as I slumbered. I’d long since forgotten the depth of your eyes, the blessings of your scent invading my nostrils. Yet, I clung sure to the sweep of your lashes down my bust as we lay in that field of dancing Lion’s Tooth. And then just as


“Egypt’s Prayer For Mayflowers” #ClearingDrafts

When the world falls back to black, and its pieces lie desolate, abandoned by love, waiting to be reassembled—I need you to be still, still standing next to me. —♥Egypt English Peace and Love Namaste © 2013 E. English Publishing Group Connect with me everywhere, so that there is no love lost between us! ♥ Instagram … ♥ Twitter … ♥ Facebook … ♥ BLOGLOVIN’ ♥


No Expectations Sailed Real Close to Ruining Fate

I was simply a young woman of many expectations, misguided fantasies, and visions of animated fairy tales fighting a war within my own walls in order to have none only to fit deep into his world so he could fit in mine, and we could moor our fleeting hearts once again back to our first perception of love. —♥ Egypt © 2016 E. English Publishing Group


World on Fire

Originally posted: September 14, 2013 on Journey to Malem  Since December 14th, 2012 I suppose it is worth noting that it currently feels as though our world is constantly on fire—burning from the inside out. Well, I am in complete agreement with all of you who feel this way.However, I’m an optimist and I feel that world burning is a beautiful thing. To see the silver lining, you have to look at this, look at it like the yin and the yang symbol . . . See, no matter how bad the world may look on the big screen, no matter how corrupt the White


Garden of Sallee ✽

I rose up out of the darkness. And there was never another flower to bloom in the manner I did, nor any others which could merely hope to rise as vibrant, and with as much fiery, or to be as delicate as the two who rose in the years after I emerged from the rich Earth. —✽ E. E.✽— Songs in the Key of Saponi © 2016 E. ENGLISH PUBLISHING GROUP


Hitching rides on comets attempting a tap dance through asteroid space

One.        Two steps.    Now take two back. I catch a glimpse of you —mid pondering the formulas that sometimes often drift pass your visions. Beaming thoughts spill from your cranium, I watch the stress lines shifting to make room for the invisible tears that streak your face. I stare pass your orbitals to catch a flicker of your soul, but I still— after all these centuries chasing shooting stars across a speckled abyss         together, and even after half a decade of forging memories into the celestialsphere to relive a thousand years from now; I still cannot read


Goodnight My Sweet Song Bird

Buenos nochesmi pájaro de la canción sé que cuando me despiertoestará durmiendo.Así pues, otra vez digo a usted buenos noches. Buenos noches. Good night,my song bird I know when I wakeyou will be sleepingSo I again, to you, I say good night. Good night. Love, —αΩ♥ S.Marie Notes for Paris, Scribbled Across the Walls of Our Home in  Crayon© 2016 E. English Publishing Group


To Create from Nothing

You pick up your pen with the intention to write. You have no starting line nor finishing line in sight. There are no prompts, but you know you have something— something to share with the world; something the world just might need to read today—to hear screaming, whispering from your pages. You know you must spill ink, so you put your pen to your paper. words begin to flow       —that is faith. In Time to Be Arranged by E. English © 2016 E. English Publishing Group, LLC


Yesterday I prayed.

I blessed the magnificent, ever-holy Lord Our Gods Almighty. All law. For they alone are many.              Together one. And they have been indeed revered among the celestial great. I have prayed with fiery                                this I did—I prayed with passion. I prayed with faith— asked for nothing more, no less than angelic guidance, love unconditional, and abundance unspeakable to reinvest in peace.           I pled for fearlessness— I beg to be of good and righteous mind—to be a kept wombman. Keep me. Guide me, shift me                    move me. Send me I will go. And in these times of chaos, wash me in

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