There is a World
outside of this world which looks nothing like this world,
but the faces have not changed.
I wish I could promise a better tomorrow to each person I encounter in my daily passing, but I have I the adequate amount of breaths in my lungs to render such a monologue to each face I come across?
I doubt the latter, forsake of my mere human, but being—well that indeed is a matter of a whole other form of time, space and energy. I asked the Almighty a time or two for light—and yet, I found myself surrounded by darkness—complete darkness. Very perplexed I was as one might imagine…and yes, a bit—a good deal disheartened, intimidated and depressed.
I spent many rises and sets trying to navigate the darkness, attempting to find this light I so desperately knew I needed—that my heart desired and my soul required. At my lowest point, one which my King, my Family nor my extended Tribe could uplift me from, I retreated within myself. Slowly, but surely, I went as far down as I could journey, hid within myself.
found what appeared to be a glimmer of hope…
a very dim light…almost hidden beneath heavy fears—insecurities…surrounded by my self-concocted hellfires, bad habits, negative thoughts, unchartered waters, tears—both cried and not cried.
I took hold of that tiny flame,
and just as slowly, and just as surely as I submerged myself beneath the surface of the deep I began to emerge one stroke at a time.
I Am Now.