Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.

—Tena Desae

Yeah, so I’m pretty sure we took the titles Lord and Lady of the Manor to a whole other level for our anniversary/my birthday getaway, but could there have been a greater display of wealth and splendor?¿—and no—I do not mean the opulent staircase, Grand Portico, or majestic grounds of the Historic Rosemont Manor. No, while all of the latter is surely breathtaking, I am speaking of the hearts that move about the manor, center stage and behind the scenes—those who host the elegant tea parties, tend to the stately grounds, prepare and serve the delectable breakfast dishes, maintain the cleanliness of such an immaculate estate—and even those with fur and glowing eyes that scare the heebie-jeebies out of you in the midnight hours as you travel through the gate after a charming dinner in Old Town Winchester. Yes, I am speaking of the hearts we embraced which beat like Sioux feet, and embraced us back with love and that “oh my goodness, Sister Sue is the plug” for homemade jam! Yes, my loves, four months and some change later Frank and I are still in love with Rosemont.

You know us—we live for love, and we love how we love. You are well aware by now that our art separately and combined is always our highest expression of our love—so even on our anniversary we loved so hard and made the most of our time. Some days this can be a challenge, but the Rosemont tribe ensured that we could make the most of the one day we had to spare in our busy bee day-to-day. I mean seriously mis Andestagōnwa I got a chance to twirl like a madwoman about one of the grandest porticoes western Virginia has to offer—literally, until I was dizzy—without as much as an awkward side-eye. You know you have had an undeniably ravishing time when you leave a place and your only “regret” is not taking your beautiful hostesses up on the invitation to slide across the luxuriously kept hardwood floors…in your socks.

Of course, you will find millions and millions of places all around the globe that would make for wonderful wedding venues, tea parties, one-night stays, and humble vacation getaways, but when you find a place that comes jam-packed with good energy and good people who simply love to love, and enjoy being good company just as much as they enjoy having good company—you cherish them—you hold those places near and dear to your heart. You remember them, do your best not to forget them—and you show them off, because you desire the world to see that it does not take cookie-cutter people, yes men or people who you have known for years and years, or those who you are sure share your every belief, viewpoint, favorite dish, opinion or taste in fashion per se. No, it only takes people who are willing to love just as much as you are willing to give this world a blossoming future. Rosemont blossoms. Spring has sprung, Summer has budded and despite Autumn swiftly approaching, we can be certain Rosemont is still buzzing and will still be buzzing with love come Winter snowfall.

So, where will you be having your next spot of tea my loves? Where will you unwind in your next luxurious bubble bath? Where will you tie the love knot, if not in and around love?…

My Favorite Spot: Eh, everywhere was divine! but definitely the Grand Portico for its sublime views, the Einstein Room for its quietly complex Einsteiness, and the Kennedy Suite—I simply adored the painting of Lady Kennedy! ^_^ #sayidorosemont.