Our Daily Tea

#Teaspiration Thursday | That Paycheck Though . . .

“Patience pays.” —Egypt’s teabag tag pick I ramble on and on week after week about faith. This week started with an exercise of faith: seeking abundance instead of living impoverished . I encourage faith because I know it is what keeps us motivated enough to exhaust every avenue available with the sure hope that we will receive a greater reward in life, and in death. {These rewards will be relative to each individual’s own spiritual system, but will always be karmic and just, because the universal laws don’t play favorites amongst the good god beings]. But patience . . . That


Spiritual Maintenance | Cosmic Energies for Lightworkers to Stand in Truth Amidst Judgement

Greetings Kings and Queens, I’ve been struggling with this week’s Spiritual Maintenance due to an emotionally hectic weekend of love lessons, blessed traveling, and lost postponed work. There is much to be shared with you all in the days to come: including a LoveTrips™ update.  All that jazz out of the way, I want to share some down-to-earth thoughts from a very great friend, sister, Queen and spiritual healer, Trina Otero. This is an older video from 2013, but it resonates so well with the present for myself and Frank, and I hope, if needed, with you as well. I encourage you to get


Living Broke, Busted—nah fxck dat, in Abundance

Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none. —Richard M. DeVos Even when the worst fires of life rage around me, engulfing my mind, body and soul you cannot tell me I’m not living  on top of the world. I live to be purified, and these fires have ravished and purge me clean. When I was young I believed being rich or wealthy were the epitomes of a perfect American life. After all I grew up indoctrinated and institutionalized with this misconstrued concept of our history. I like many of my peers was taught that


Entrepreneurship 101 | 3 Surefire Ways to Reach Success

As an Entrepreneur you will always be a work in progress. You should know Every business owner must acquire new tricks, tips and tactics to make it in the business world: the small town baker on grand opening day and the colonial immigrant, bigot and business mogul Donald Trump  —are no different in that regard.  Being successful is a mindset. Take it from the Field of Dreams (1989)—”If you build it they will come.” You set the bar on what success looks like to you, no one else. Success could be as simple as completing your business plan or finally executing one you


Spiritual Maintenance | It’s My Square

Many people will not be able to grasp the magnitude of you. Eventually, you will outgrow their thinking and understandings if you remain steadfast on your soul’s mission. —i♥u They won’t get your values, your morals, or your most simplistic of thought processes . . . but that’s okay, you’ll survive—and so will they. Your principles and your adherence to your innate laws of self governance will take you further in life than any man’s opinion.       When your critics come, sift their suggestions like wheat—keeping only that which will benefit you, and the empire you are raising.   Your foundation is your SQUARE.


Free to just be at last

I started to get mentally blockaded with all the inhumane happenings of the world. Eh, needless to say if you know anything about the science of being fxcking great—you know AIN’T NO BODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!

So you want to fight, huh God?

This never really goes well. So, I have this childlike tendency to go head-to-head with the Big Kahuna. Usually, it all starts because I am so amp up about a new project or a challenge that I have or want to face. Lately, I’ve been so at odds with our current and highly unfavorable life circumstances that I side-complain. You know thank God for all the good things, but ask for all the poopy things to be magically fixed all in one breath.        Yeah, well— the Almighty can be really petty. Pearl, while Queenin’, said to me once in the midst of my

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