Our Love Story

Memorable moments, love lessons and relationship advice from 8 years deep and counting in love.

FaithOur Love Story

There they are! . . .

". . .as if they were in full pursuit of something. We watch them spiral down, right above the sunroof, then glide gracefully and intently in front of our car—positioning themselves directly in line with our rear view mirror for all of 15 seconds. Then they take to the sky again. . . "
Our Faith

. . .My wildest dream

Life courses through my veins like gas through fuel lines, and like the engine that drinks the 10% ethanol blend— my


A Bedridden Weekend

He’s waited on me hand and foot what more could I ask of Him? but that look. The look in


We made this trash

It is ironic how after being with someone for a number of years you just begin to compromise by habit.

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